Temporum: Alternate Realities
What is time? Is it like a river? Or maybe an ocean? Is it like up, but sideways? Is it churning chaos, background noise, held together only briefly by our own awareness of it? You don’t know. You just work the machinery; someone else built it. To you, time is a means to an end; a glorious end, where humanity’s crowning achievement turns out to be your own benevolent rule. It’s a simple process of weeding through the alternatives, snipping prudently; an ungrateful utopia here, a useless revolution there. In the end, from the Age of Atlantis to the Zombie Apocalypse, the eras will sing your praise.
Alternate Realities is an expansion to Temporum. It adds 48 more Zones and 60 more Player cards, plus chits and cards used by the new Zones.